Patron Saint

Francis de sales was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Blessed Pius IX in 1877. In 1923, Francis was recognized as the patron saint of writers and journalists by Pope Pius XI. The Salesians of Don Bosco, the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales,... More+

November-2023 Schedule

01.11.2023 Wednesday - All Saints Solemnity Day and Kannada Rajyotsava Day
•     Morning 06:30am : Holy Mass in Kannada followed by Flag hoisting.
•     Evening 06:30pm : Holy Mass in English.

02.11.2023 Thursday - All Souls Day
•     Morning 06:30am: Holy Mass in English in the Church.
      06:30am: Holy Mass in Kannada at the Cemetery Chapel at Neo Town and blessing of the Tombs.
•     Evening 06:00pm: Holy Mass in English in the Church.
      06:45pm: Holy Mass in Kannada in the Church.

05.11.2023 Sunday – Mission Sunday
•     Morning 06:00am : Holy Mass in English and Food fest.
      07:00am : Holy Mass in English and Food fest.
      08:30am : Holy Mass in Kannada and Food fest.
      10:30am : Holy Mass in English at the Cemetery Chapel at Neo Town and Food fest.
•     Evening 04:30pm : Holy Mass in English and Food fest.
      06:00pm: Holy Mass in Tamil and Food fest.

After all the Holy masses Food fest is organized to raise funds for Mission Sunday. Auction of the sarees and frocks offered to our Blessed mother Mary at 8:00 am and 10:00 am. All the faithful are requested to actively participate in the food fest and auctions.